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Second Announcement of the 19th China Ecology Conference


The Chinese Ecological Society plans to hold the "Nineteenth Chinese Ecology Conference" on November 21-22, 2020 in the form of an online conference. The theme of the conference is "New Mission of Ecological Science: Promoting the Harmony of Man and Nature". The conference will be hosted by the Chinese Ecological Society and undertaken by the South China Botanical Garden of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

The conference will arrange various academic exchange activities such as special invitation lectures, branch special lectures, electronic academic posters, high-end forums, etc., and will organize the exhibition of instruments and equipment, application software, literature publications and online promotion activities of ecological products related to the field of ecology research through the cloud exhibition hall. Ecological conservation practitioners are welcome to register and participate. Related companies are warmly welcome to use this opportunity to expand their influence and participate in the exhibition.

I. Invited Talks

It is planned to invite 10 famous ecologists to give Invited Talks, including Yu Guirui, Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Zhu Yongguan, Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Yang Zhifeng, Member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Zhang Wei, Member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and Chen Liding, researcher of the Research Center for Ecological Environment of the Chinese Academy of Sciences , Yan Junhua, researcher at the South China Botanical Garden of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Zhao Xinquan, researcher at the Northwest Plateau Institute of Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

II. Branch venue settings

Focusing on the disciplinary development of ecology, the development of ecology, ecological civilization progress and sustainable development, ecosystem functions and services, conservation of biodiversity and ecosystems, and ecological exploration and innovation, the conference will set up 42 thematic branch venues. For details, please refer to the conference website (http://esc2020.scimeeting.cn).

III. Preliminary schedule



Conference Form

November 21 Am

Opening Ceremony

Beijing Main Venue + Conference Live Broadcast

Invited Talk

November 21 Am

Special Report at The Branch Venue

Live Broadcast of Branch Venues

November 22 Am

November 22 Pm

Invited Talk

Conference Live

Closing Ceremony &Awards

Note: According to the requirements of epidemic prevention and control, the main venues in Beijing and Guangzhou are specially invited venues and are not open to all.

IV. Notes for Participation

1. Participants shall pay the conference registration fee to attend the conference, watch the live broadcast and playback of the conference. Members of the Chinese Ecological Society who pay in advance can enjoy discounts on registration fees. Please complete registration, abstract submission, and online payment through the conference website (http://esc2020.scimeeting.cn).

Types of participants

Pay normally

Early Preferential payment

(Before October 11)

Normal payment

Ordinary member






Student (member)



Student (non-member)



The conference also accepts the Chinese Ecological Society membership application at the same time. Applicants should log on to the official website of the Chinese Society of Ecology (http://www.esc.org.cn), click "Apply to Join the Society" in the "Member Center", and pay the membership fee.

Early bird deadline for preferential payment: October 11, 2020

2. Compilation of Abstracts of the Nineteenth China Ecology Conference will be prepared. Approved abstracts will include the compilation of paper abstracts. Electronic version will be published on the conference website. Submitted paper abstract shall include: title; author's name and affiliation; keywords (3-5); word count of 800-1000 words. The author's profile (name, work unit, title, main research field and contact information) shall be listed following the abstract text, without reference listed. Participants shall first register on the conference website (http://esc2020.scimeeting.cn) then submit an abstract.

Deadline for abstract submission: October 9, 2020

3. Online conference oral report and electronic poster display: Those who apply for online conference oral report and electronic poster display shall submit paper abstracts for reference by the person in charge of the corresponding branch venue to arrange the oral report and electronic poster.

Oral report and electronic poster application deadline: October 9, 2020

4. High-quality papers will be published in academic journals. The full text of the paper will be collected before the conference, excellent ones will be published in the form of special or column in the Journal of Ecological Sciences and Journal of Applied Ecology. At least one of the authors whose full papers are selected by the Journal of Ecological Sciences or Journal of Applied Ecology must be registered for conference participation. Please follow the journal’s requirements for article format, and directly log on to the journal’s website and click on the relevant column to submit paper. Publication website and estimated publication time:

     Journal of Ecological Sciences (http://www.ecologica.cn), Volume 41, Issue 20, 2021;

     Journal of Applied Ecology (http://www.cjae.net), Volume 37, Issue 7, 2021.

Deadline for the full text of academic journals: November 10, 2020

5. Conference awards: Excellent poster award for graduate students. The awards are selected in accordance with the relevant regulations of the society. After the final results are approved by the conference organizing committee, the list of winners will be announced at the closing ceremony of the conference, and the honorary certificate will be sent after the conference.

V. Matters concerning online participation

During the conference, please log on to the conference's official website http://esc2020.scimeeting.cn and click the "Conference Live" button to enter the conference live interface, select the corresponding venue, and enter the conference live room.

In addition, this conference sets up "Video Review", "Electronic Wall News", "Exhibitors" and other online special areas for participants to watch and communicate.

VI. Contact

       Meeting and exhibition matters: Li Bo, hy-esc@rcees.ac.cn 010-62849101-202

       Membership related matters: Luo Chunyan, zz-esc@rcees.ac.cn 010-62849101-203

       Website registration matters: Yang Lan, 3287913762@qq.com 010-57209641

       Conference website: http://esc2020.scimeeting.cn 

       Address: No. 18, Shuangqing Road, Haidian District, Beijing, 100085

Chinese Ecological Society

      September 18, 2020