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The 3rd China Ecological Civilization Forum Successfully Held


 On November 26th - 28th, 2020, the “3rd China Ecological Civilization Forum” was successfully held in multiple provinces and cities including Hainan, Guangxi, Yunnan, Zhejiang and Chongqing. This forum was sponsored by Ecological Society of China (ESC) and Hainan University, organized by the Popular Science Working Committee of ESC, College of Ecology and Environment of Hainan University, Ecological Society of Hainan Province, Hainan Association for Science and Technology, National Education and Science Communication Team for Ecological Civilization, etc., and co-organized by 25 units including Tourism College of Hainan University, College of Forestry of Hainan University, Ecological Societies in places like Guangxi, Yunnan and Chongqing, and Hangzhou Low Carbon Science and Technology Museum. This forum is a grand meeting featured by multi-party participation, multi-region cooperation, and various forms. Guests who attended the opening ceremony held in Hainan University include Mr. Luo Qingming, President of Hainan Association for Science and Technology, President of Hainan University and Member of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Research Fellow Liu Shirong, President of Chinese Academy of Forestry and Honorary President of ESC, Zhong Linsheng, Research Fellow of Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, and Secretary General of ESC, Professor Chen Xianfeng, Vice President of Hainan University, Mr. Yang Xiaobo, Executive Director of ESC and Professor from College of Ecology and Environment of Hainan University, and Mr. Tang Jianjun, ESC Director, Executive Deputy Director of Popular Science Working Committee, and Professor from Zhejiang University. Nearly 50 experts and representatives on ecological popular science from over 20 organizations attended the offline opening ceremony. The organizations include institutions of higher learning like Hainan University, Beijing Normal University, Zhejiang University, Xiamen University and Nanjing Forestry University, affiliated institutes of Chinese Academy of Sciences such as Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, South China Botanical Garden, Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, and Erguna Station, Institute of Applied Ecology, research institutions such as Second Institute of Oceanography, MNR, publishing agencies such as China Forestry Publishing House and Higher Education Press, local societies such as Ecological Society of Hainan Province, nature reserves and museums such as Hainan Tropical Rainforest National Park Administration, Guangxi Nonggang National Nature Reserve Administration Center, Beijing Elk Ecological Experimental Center and Baiquan County Museum of Ecological Culture, as well as local media.

 On the morning of November 27th, Professor Chen Xianfeng, Vice President of Hainan University presided over the opening ceremony. Secretary General Zhong Linsheng of ESC and President Luo Qingming of Hainan University delivered speeches respectively on behalf of the sponsors, welcoming the arrival of experts. Then the opening ceremony was followed by the official establishment ceremony for 9 ESC ecological popular science education bases (South China Botanical Garden of CAS, Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden of CAS, Guangxi Nonggang National Nature Reserve, Beijing Nanhaizi Elk Museum, Xiamen University Teaching and Research Base for Zhangjiangkou Mangrove Forestry, Zhangjiangkou Mangrove Forestry National Nature Reserve, Erguna Forest-Steppe Ecotone Research Station, Baiquan County Museum of Ecological Culture, Yangzhou Municipal Environmental Education Base, and National Virtual Simulation Teaching Experimental Center for Environmental Sciences of Fudan University) approved by ESC this year. The atmosphere of the ceremony was grand, harmonious and full of joy. Shen Jimang, Senior Engineer from South China Botanical Garden, and Professor Wang Xiangrong from Fudan University, as representatives of the bases, delivered their speeches offline and online respectively. Three experts made their invited conference presentations. President Liu Shirong of Chinese Academy of Forestry made a report on “Nature-based Climate Change Solutions: Forest Mitigation and Adaptation” and gave a clear explanation on the impact of climate change and nature-based climate change solutions. The report “We and Ecological Environment of Nature Reserves—Taking Hainan People and the Hainan Tropical Rainforest National Park as an Example” made by Professor Yang Xiaobo from Hainan University introduced the diversity and distribution of species in Hainan’s tropical rainforests in a humorous and detailed way. The report “Ecological Civilization and Biodiversity Conservation” by Academician Wei Fuwen from the Institute of Zoology, CAS expounded the relationship between the connotation of ecological civilization and biodiversity conservation from a macro perspective. The opening ceremony of the forum and the popular science reports were also broadcast live to the public for the first time through the ESC live studio in bilibili.com. The reports made by experts were humorous and brilliant, attracting a large number of online viewers. The maximum number of viewers in the studio rose to 5,282, achieving favorable publicity effects. The viewers left messages saying that the reports were wonderful and expressed their appreciation. The live broadcasting of the forum has also been an exploration for the extension of the popular science activities in the future.

 Parallel sessions began on the afternoon of November 27th. The Popular Science Working Committee of ESC and representatives from ESC-awarded popular science education bases this time held a seminar on the work of popular science base in Hainan University. Popular science experts and managerial personnel shared and demonstrated their experiences on behalf of their respective bases. Leaders of the Popular Science Working Committee of ESC put forward suggestions on the integration of the development of each base and the work of ESC, and requested each base to take the opportunity of base awarding  to strengthen the inter-base and ESC-base connection so as to give full play to their social functions. The forum also made a preliminary discussion on the venue to hold the Fourth Ecological Civilization Forum.

 The sub-forum in Hainan consisted of 9 parallel sessions which were simultaneously held in College of Ecology and Environment of Hainan University, Tourism College of Hainan University, Hainan Middle School, Qiongshan Middle School, Yanfeng Middle School, Wuyuanhe Middle School, Hainan University Danzhou Campus, Hainan Yinggeling National Nature Reserve as well as 7 schools in Sanya City. Senior Editor Li Bingyang from Higher Education Press told the students the “Story of Ecology”; while Xiao Jing, Associate Senior Editor from China Forestry Publishing House made her explanation by focusing on “Environmental Interpretation of National Parks”; Zeng Jiangning, Research Fellow at the Second Institute of Oceanography, MNR, made a popular science report on “Say No to Marine Litter” in response to the worsening trend of the marine environment; the report “Urban Ecology and Our Future” by Ren Yufen, Senior Engineer at the Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, CAS, told everyone that urban environment is closely related to us; the report of Zhang Nan, Associate Research Fellow from Beijing Elk Ecological Experimental Center--“Amazing Animals and Their Ecological Stories” brought the students into the elk’s world; Professor Tang Haiping from Beijing Normal University brought “ Glimpse of the Second Scientific Expedition to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau” to junior high school students in grade three from Haikou Wuyuanhe Middle School, allowing them to appreciate the beauty of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau; Zhou Huarong, Research Fellow at the Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, CAS, proposed to the teachers and students the idea in his report “Ecological Xinjiang, Beautiful Xinjiang” that “The desert and the Gobi are also invaluable assets, and the world of ice and snow are also invaluable assets”; Wang Ailong, Director of Guangxi Nonggang National Nature Reserve told us about “Nature Reserve and Promotion of Ecological Popular Science”; the popular science lectures held in Sanya were shared by Li Zhenji, Tang Jianjun, Ren Mingxun, Ding Yang and the well-known environmental volunteer Mr. Tang Xiyang.

 Jointly organized by the Ecology Society of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and Alxa SEE (Society of Entrepreneurs and Ecology) Guangxi Project Center, the Guangxi sub-forum incorporated 11 parallel sessions respectively held from November 26th to 28th in Guangxi University, Guangxi Science and Technology Museum, Yulin Library, Guigang Library, Damingshan National Nature Reserve, Nonggang National Nature Reserve, and Leijiang Primary School in Liangjiang Town, Wuming District, Nanning City, Guangxi Province. During the sessions, a total of 11 informative popular science activities were carried out. Professor Wen Yuanguang from Guangxi University explained “Rocky Desertification Ecological Restoration and Ecological Civilization Construction” to the students of Guangxi University; Associate Professor Luo Yinghua from Guangxi University made popular science reports such as “The Way Plants Survive—Is it edible? Does it taste good? How do I cook it?” and “Curriculum Design and Practice of Nature Education”; “Explore and Record the Beauty Around Us-Nature Notes” and “Miracle of the Sea--Mangrove” made by Dr. Leng Bing from Guangxi University took the children to explore the mysteries of plants; Wang Haijing, Deputy Dean of Nature Conservation Branch Institute of Guangxi Forest Inventory and Planning Institute made the report “The Secrets of Snakes” furthering everyone’s understanding of this species; experts including Nong Zhengquan from Guangxi Nonggang Nature Reserve Administration explained to children about the protection of unique wild animals in Nonggang. In addition to carrying out popular science activities aimed at the general public in various cities, the Guangxi sub-forum also organized experts to visit border schools and schools in rural areas around the reserve for science popularization.

The Yunnan sub-forum, organized by Yunnan University and the Ecological Society of Yunnan and co-organized by the Office of Science and Technology of Yunnan University, Kunming Natural History Museum of Zoology, CAS and Kunming Botanical Garden, CAS kicked off on November 24th in Kunming Changchen High School. Professor Geng Yupeng from the School of Ecology and Environmental Science of Yunnan University, Tan Zhe, a teacher from the Foreign Talent Introduction Office of the Yunnan Provincial Science and Technology Department, Sun Yu, an engineer from the Kunming Natural History Museum of Zoology, CAS, and Chen Chao, President of Changcheng High School (Xincheng Campus) as well as 400 junior high school students in grade one from Changcheng High School participated in the activity. More than 10,000 students’ parents and other audience watched the live webcast. Themed with biodiversity, the exquisite “Beauty of Life--Zeng Xiaolian Science and Art Exhibition” and popular science lectures were organized to arouse kids’ awareness of biodiversity conservation. On November 29th, the parallel session of Popular Science for Ecological Civilization was held in Anning County, Kunming City, where Research Fellow Cao Min, President of Ecological Society of Yunnan, delivered a speech. Front-line experts on ecological popular science from units including Yunnan University, Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden of CAS, Kunming Institute of Botany of CAS, Kunming University of Science and Technology, and Southwest Forestry University made 9 academic presentations. The experts exchanged in-depth views on diverse aspects such as the basic theory of ecological popular science, the construction of ecological civilization education base, science popularization of paleontology, science popularization of geology, popular science writing, and live video streaming. At the same time, the popular science forum was open to the public and was webcast live, attracting broad attention.

 The Zhejiang sub-forum was held in advance respectively on November 16th and November 24th at the Meiyuan School in Anji County (the school for ethnic minority children of migrant workers from Yunnan, Guizhou and Sichuan) and the Hangzhou Low-carbon Science and Technology Museum in China. Dr. Tang Jianjun from Zhejiang University, Chief Expert of “Green Zhejiang”, and Mentor of Hangzhou Low Carbon Science and Technology Museum gave popular science reports on “Spring Flowers and Autumn Fruits” for the children of migrant workers from remote areas and children living in urban centers. He explained the profound scientific principles with easy-to-understand and humorous language, so that the students could explore the mystery of the origin of life and comprehend the importance of conservation culture in joyful laughter, which won warm applause from the audience.

The Chongqing sub-forum was launched on November 24th at the newly-built Chongqing Environmental Protection Volunteer Home in Chongqing Jinyunshan National Nature Reserve. Focusing on the theme of “Zero-Waste City” construction and the protection of rare animals and plants, relevant activities were carried out in the Ecological Civilization Sub-center for New Era Civilization Practice in Beibei District. Research Librarian Hong Zhaochun from Chongqing Natural History Museum and Li Qing, Vice President of Chongqing Environmental Education Commission, gave detailed and professional popular science lectures respectively on the growth, reproduction, migration and habitat protection of Chinese merganser (Mergus squamatus) which is a national first-class protected animal in Chongqing and is known as the “giant panda” among birds, global biodiversity, and wetland protection, etc. Deng Xianbao, a senior engineer from the Beibei Jinyunshan National Nature Reserve Administration led the volunteers to search and identify rare plants such as Alsophila spinulosa and Davidia involucrata in Jinyun Mountain. Follow-up activities at the sub-venue are still in progress.

 The 3rd China Ecological Civilization Forum was held during the epidemic. Experts from ESC Popular Science Working Committee and event organizers from Hainan University and other provinces outside the island have overcome obstacles and barriers, gathered the wisdom and resources from national popular science experts through multilateral cooperation and coordination. A total of 1 main forum and 21 sub-forums were organized, and 25 popular science activities were carried out, attracting more than 3,900 offline audiences. The opening ceremonies of the main forum and the sub-forums in Guangxi, Yunnan and Zhejiang adopted live video streaming with online viewers reaching over 15,280. Hainan Daily, Youth Channel “Science and Education on Free Trade Port” and other media reported the opening ceremony of the forum respectively. Informative and interesting, the activities of the Forum are loved by the masses and those wonderful reports were also warmly welcomed and praised by the public, yielding wide social influence and remarkable social benefits, which are of great significance for comprehensively improving the national ecological environment literacy and promoting the construction of ecological civilization.


Zhong Linsheng, Secretary General of Ecological Society of China delivered a speech in the opening ceremony


Luo Qingming, Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences and President of Hainan University delivered a speech 


Popular Science Base Awarding Ceremony


Research Fellow Liu Shirong, President of Chinese Academy of Forestry and Honorary President of ESC made an invited lecture


Yang Xiaobo, Professor of College of Ecology and Environment of Hainan University and President of Ecological Society of Hainan Province made an invited lecture


Research Fellow Wei Fuwen, Member of Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Vice President of ESC made an invited lecture


Group photo of partial representatives attending the opening ceremony of the Forum


The scene of the Hainan sub-forum


The scene of the Guangxi sub-forum


The scene of the Yunnan sub-forum


The scene of the Zhejiang sub-forum


The scene of the Chongqing sub-forum