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The 11th Lazikou Forum on Ecological Civilization was successfully held in China


In order to study and implement Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, especially the thought concerning ecological civilization, and to carry out the important speeches and instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping at the Symposium on Ecological Protection and High-quality Development of the Yellow River Basin, and promote the construction of ecological civilization and the high-quality social and economic development in Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, on August 28-30, 2020, the Ecological Society of China (ESC), the Gannan Prefecture Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Gannan Prefecture government held the “11th Lazikou Forum on Ecological Civilization” in Hezuo City, Gansu Province. The theme of this forum is “Implementing the ecological protection strategy of the upper reaches of the Yellow River and promoting high-quality economic and social development in Gannan Prefecture”. The ESC vice chairman Chen Liding, the ESC secretary general Zhong Linsheng, the director of the Standing Committee of Gannan Prefecture People’s Congress An Jinlong, the chairman of the Gannan Prefecture Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) Xu Qiang, the deputy secretary of the Gannan Prefecture CPC Committee He Moubao, the first inspector of the Department of Ecology and Environment of Gansu Province Zhang Zhengmin, the first-level inspector of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of Gansu Province Yan Fenmin, experts and scholars from relevant domestic scientific research institutes and universities, leaders of the Gannan Prefecture Party Committee and government, representatives of relevant departments, nature reserves and forest park administrations at all levels, as well as more than 270 people from more than 30 news media including People’s Daily Online, Xinhua Net, Tencent, NetEase, China Youth Daily and Lanzhou Morning News attended the meeting. Gannan Internet Radio and Television and other channels and live broadcast platforms conducted live broadcasts of the meeting.

 The opening ceremony of the conference was presided over by He Moubao, deputy secretary of the Gannan Prefecture Party Committee. Chen Liding, vice chairman of the Ecological Society of China, delivered the opening speech. He fully affirmed the unique natural ecology and original ecological, ethnic, and cultural advantages of Gannan. The Ecological Society of China will continue to cooperate with the Gannan Prefecture government and rely on China’s ecological civilization. The think-tank of Lazikou Forum on Ecological Civilization has made due contributions to the construction of ecological civilization and green development in Gannan Prefecture.

 An Jinlong, director of the Standing Committee of Gannan Prefecture People’s Congress, delivered a welcome speech on behalf of Gannan Prefecture. He said that the Lazikou Forum on Ecological Civilization had become a beautiful business card for promoting Gannan’s ecological protection and economic development. It had played an important role in the in-depth development of ecological civilization in Gannan Prefecture. At the same time, he extended warm welcome and sincere greetings to the experts and scholars who attended the forum in their busy schedule, and expressed his heartfelt gratitude to all sectors of society who had long supported Gannan's development, and wished the forum a complete success!

 Yan Chunhua, member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and president of Lanzhou University, expressed his deep impression on Gannan Prefecture’s adherence to the high-level position of green development. At the same time, he said that Lanzhou University would carry out a series of scientific research cooperation in Gannan Prefecture in the future in combination with the national strategy to contribute to the construction of ecological civilization in Gannan Prefecture. Contribute to high-quality economic and social development.

The former vice chairman of the Ecological Society of China and Professor of South China Agricultural University Luo Shiming, presided over the keynote speech of the forum. Liu Ke, a foreign member of the Australian National Academy of Engineering and Dean of the School of Innovation and Entrepreneurship of Southern University of Science and Technology, gave a report entitled “China’s Environmental Energy Challenges and Responses”, covering the causes of air pollution, the development direction of future energy technology, and the advantages of renewable energy. The contents are explained systematically. Wang Jianjun, deputy governor of Gannan Prefecture government, gave a special report on the construction of ecological civilization in Gannan Prefecture, reporting on Gannan Prefecture’s achievements and experience in promoting the construction of ecological civilization in depth and effectively enhancing the well-being of the people. Huang Zhanbin, a professor at China University of Mining and Technology, gave a report entitled “Ecological Environmental Protection and Mine Environmental Governance in the Upper Yellow River”. He introduced ecological protection in the upper Yellow River and the ecological protection of the Yellow River mining area from a major national strategic perspective, and put forward thoughts and suggestions.

 Zhong Linsheng, secretary general of the Ecological Society of China, presided over the seminar. Wang Li, Secretary of the CPC Maqu County Party Committee, gave a report entitled “Achievements in Ecological Environmental Protection of the Yellow River Basin”; Researcher Huang Baorong from the Academy of Science and Technology Strategy Consulting of the Chinese Academy of Sciences gave a report entitled “In-depth implementation of Xi Jinping’s ecological civilization thought and further improvement of natural protection System” report; Researcher Zhou Huakun, deputy director of the Sanjiangyuan Grassland Observation and Research Station, Northwest Plateau Institute of Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, made a report titled “Restoration and Management of Degraded Grassland in the Three Rivers Source Area---Theory and Practice”; Zhang Zilong, Professor of Lanzhou University, deputy dean of the Green Development Institute in Yellow River Basin, gave a report entitled “Several Thoughts and Suggestions on the Construction of Ecological Barriers and High-quality Development in the Yellow River Basin (Gannan Section)”; Professor Quanhua from Shanghai University of International Business and Economics gave a report entitled “Integrated development of culture and tourism from the ecological civilization perspective; Professor Deng Xinwen, deputy dean of the Institute for Chinese Learning of Hangzhou Normal University, gave a report entitled “The Big Ecological View of Chinese Culture”; Yang Yun, deputy general manager of State Grid Gansu Comprehensive Energy Service Co., Ltd. made a report entitled “Committed to clean energy services to help the green rise of Gannan”.

During the meeting, the participants watched the promotional video of Gannan's ecological civilization construction achievements and visited the ecological science popularization and pastoral area activity - “Beautiful China” ecological science exhibition. The above measures gave full play to the important role of enhancing the awareness of local ecological civilization and promoting the development of local ecological civilization through innovation, which won unanimous praise from the participants.

After the meeting, the participating experts visited the construction and development of the global tourism waste-free demonstration zone, the ecological civilization well-off village and the global tourism benchmark village in Yeliguan Town of Lintan County and Gaxiu Village of Luqu County, investigated the ecological protection situation and tourism development situation of Dian and Gahai wetlands the alpine grasses in Meiren Grassland, and provided forward-looking and practical suggestions for the local ecological environment protection and economic and social development.

Under the guidance of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important strategic thinking on ecological civilization construction, this Lazikou Forum on Ecological Civilization brings together experts from all parties to promote the overall layout of the “five in one” in the new era, and help Gannan Prefecture to achieve green development and gain a green rise for active suggestions to realize the great goal of building a beautiful China at an early date.
